


洗碗工为我们做了很多事. 它们能瞬间把我们的盘子洗干净, 把婴儿的牙齿擦亮, 最重要的是, save our h和s from a lot of scrubbing when all we want to do is sink into the couch 和 relax

如果你足够幸运,厨房里有一台洗碗机, 你可能会遇到一个很多人都会遇到的难题你是怎么清洁这个做所有清洁工作的东西的? 

It’s a good question—和 while we can hope that one day dishwashers will be able to give themselves a self-care cleaning day alongside your silverware, 我们可以告诉你如何清洁洗碗机 可持续的清洁工.


When it comes to giving your dishwasher a pristine power-up, one of the first questions to ask is, 你在里面放什么?

No, we’re not talking about the unrinsed alfredo sauce or broccoli food particles on 你的盘子. Believe it or not, small amounts of food residue aren’t as much of a problem as you may think. Most dishwashers can h和le some debris as long as you scrape off the big stuff.

事实上, 《十大赌博官方正规网址》 suggests that not rinsing even allows your dishwasher’s sensors to work better.

Skipping that extra rinse before you pop in the plates is good for the planet. 为什么? 你花在洗碗前的每一分钟,你用在洗碗前的每一分钟.7-6加仑的水,加上运行热水所需的能量. 

而不是, the most important thing to consider when loading your dishwasher is what detergent you’re using. 为了达到最佳效果, 使用易于生物降解配方的洗碗机洗涤剂, 对油脂有效, 避免使用刺激性化学物质, 而且不会在盘子或洗碗机上留下有害残留物, 比如我们的 ECOS波浪洗碗机凝胶.


2 .不要忽略漂洗剂

Nothing puts a damper on a night of toasts 和 celebrations than taking those crystal-clear glasses out of the dishwasher to find them practically opaque with water spots.

Tap water that contains higher levels of minerals like calcium 和 magnesium can react with your soap 和 cause residue that leaves dishes looking less-than-fresh. 

It can also result in multiple problems for you 和 your dishwasher, including:

  • 盘子和餐具上的肥皂渣
  • 玻璃杯里有水渍和浑浊
  • 洗碗机里的矿物质堆积

All of this can make it more difficult to keep both your dishes 和 your dishwasher sparkling. 

Using a rinse aid can be a big help in keeping your tableware spotless 和 the inside of your dishwasher equally shining, 尤其是当你对水质持怀疑态度的时候. 尝试一个环保的选择,比如 ECOS漂洗剂,它使用天然柠檬油来溶解积聚物并防止斑点. 另外,它使用了100%可生物降解的配方.


It can be oh-so-satisfying to unload your perfectly clean plates when they’re warm, 干, 闪闪发光的干净. 

然而, you might miss an important step in keeping a clean dishwasher—checking the inside after each wash.

Much of the debris that comes off your dishes will be caught by the filter. But if there are any bits of food it doesn’t catch or that are too big for the filter, 这些食物残渣在干燥时会导致堆积. 结果? 一种不太清新的气味.

这样你以后就不用清理了, we suggest giving your dishwasher a visual check after you’ve unloaded everything 和 using a damp cloth to wipe up any leftovers before yesterday’s meal becomes tomorrow’s smell. 


就像冰箱一样, 炉子, 和微波, the outsides of our dishwashers see a lot of traffic when it comes to fingerprints 和 smudges. 让你的洗碗机在里面和外面一样一尘不染, 我们建议每周或根据需要经常采取以下步骤:

  • To remove any buildup 和 grime, wipe the outside of the dishwasher door with a soft cloth 和 an 通用的清洁
  • If you have a stainless steel dishwasher, you can also use a special spray, like ECOS 不锈钢清洗剂+抛光剂, to remove any stubborn streaks 和 fingerprints from the inside 和 outside of the dishwasher door.
  • 使用一个 消毒剂喷雾 用双氧水制成,可以消灭细菌.



每隔一段时间,给你的房子彻底打扫一下是很重要的. 这是你应该带上的必需品 深层清洁检查表 是洗碗机吗?. 如果你有一段时间没有深度清洗洗碗机, 第一次可能要花点时间. With regular upkeep 和 attention to a few specific areas, however, it’ll be much easier over time.

Follow these steps to give your dishwasher the inside-out deep clean of its dreams:

  • 拔出可拆卸部件 -这是指顶部和底部的架子, 餐具篮, 还有洗碗机的喷雾臂,如果它们是可拆卸的. 你可以用温水把这些擦掉, 环保洗碗皂, 和 a cloth, using an old toothbrush to get into any hard-to-reach areas. 让它们十大赌博官方正规网址风干,剩下的你来做.
  • 清洗过滤器 大多数洗碗机底部都装有一个可拆卸的过滤器, 在旋转和喷洒盘子的手臂下面. 它的设计是为了捕获所有的食物颗粒. 如果你不清理的话, your dishwasher might not work as well—not to mention the foul smells that can emerge from a full filter. 将任何松散的颗粒倒进垃圾桶, then give the filter a good long soak in a bowl of dish soap 和 warm water. Once any buildup has loosened, gently wipe it out with a sponge 和 set the filter to 干.
  • 擦拭内部 -在碗里挤上一挤去油的洗洁精,比如 ECOS低过敏性洗碗皂,以及温水. Using a sponge or dishrag, wipe down every area of the dishwasher you can reach. You may want to use an old toothbrush to remove particles in certain areas, 比如滤镜周围和角落.
  • 打开洗碗机 在你更换洗碗机的可拆卸部件之后, you can give it an extra clean by running a wash cycle without any dishes inside. 有些洗碗机甚至为此设计了一个特殊的洗涤循环. 为了帮助分解任何残留的物质,使用含酶的洗涤剂. 你也可以加入你的 ECOS漂洗剂 如果你注意到硬水中有矿物质堆积.
  • 让它风干 -只要你有一个完全干净的洗碗机, 让门开着,让空气透出去, 让剩余的水分蒸发掉.


When you’re cleaning an appliance, it may be tempting to reach for the most powerful cleaners. You know, the ones that use harsh chemicals or strong fragrances to cover up unwelcome odors. 然而, 在你找到这些解决方案之前, 你应该知道,并非所有这些都值得付出这样的代价.

Some of the chemicals in common household cleaning solutions can be harmful to your dishwasher, 你的盘子, 你自己, 这个星球. 这些包括:

  • 乙醇胺 – This is a common surfactant 和 emulsifier used to give soaps 和 detergents their foamy consistency. When it breaks down, it can produce cancer-causing toxins called nitrosamines. 在标签上,您经常会发现它被列为TEA、DEA或MEA.
  • 磷酸盐 这些化学物质通常用来抵消硬水的积聚. Their downfall is that they’re highly toxic to the environment, especially aquatic ecosystems.
  • 含氯漂白剂 – Aside from potential stains 和 damage to your stainless steel dishwasher 和 other appliances, 漂白剂会产生有毒烟雾, 灼伤你的皮肤, 并与其他化学物质发生危险反应. 它的副十大彩票网赌平台对地球也非常有害.

而不是 of reaching for harsh cleaning solutions, look for soaps 和 cleaners that have a 安全的选择 标签,像那些来自ECOS. 此标签表示该十大彩票网赌平台已符合美国食品标准局制定的标准.S. 环境保护署 和 contains safer ingredients for your health 和 the environment. 


考虑到他们从我们的盘子里拿走了多少, 洗碗机可以成为我们深层清洁的救星. Before you feel guilty loading up those spaghetti-splattered bowls instead of washing them 你自己, you might be surprised to learn that dishwashers can also help reduce our impact on the planet. 

与手洗脏盘子相比, studies show that our modern dishwashing machine can reduce our water usage by half 和 reduce the energy output you need for hot water.

如果我们的洗碗工做出这样的努力来帮助环境, 我们也这么做才有意义. 扩展你的高效清洁习惯 如何清洗淋浴器如何清洗水槽, ECOS在此提供帮助. 让你的家和我们的星球更安全,远离刺激性化学物质 环保清洁剂 formulated with plant-powered ingredients 和 100% biodegradable formulas, like those from ECOS. 

《十大赌博官方正规网址》. 把盘子放进洗碗机之前先冲洗一下. http://www.consumerreports.org/dishwashers/dont-bother-pre-rinsing-your-dishes/  
美国地质调查局. 水的硬度. http://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/hardness-water#overview 
ECOS. 它们. http://34eq.mogrenlandscape.com/the-nasties/ 
U.S. 环境保护署. 了解安全选择标签. http://www.epa.gov/saferchoice/learn-about-safer-choice-label 


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