How to Wash Dishes the Eco-Conscious Way


Swapping disposable water bottles for a chic reusable one. 把你的旧咖啡渣和香蕉皮扔进堆肥箱,而不是扔进垃圾桶. Opting for public transit instead of a solo ride to work—yes, 我们每天都可以通过很多小的方式来维护地球的健康.


你洗碗的方式会对环境产生影响——不,这是绝对的 just a drop in the bucket. 你是否在使用 plant-powered 洗手的时候要注意流动的水, there are simple 道路s to have an impact. 跟随我们一步一步的指导,用环保的方式洗手.

Step 1: Don’t Wait Too Long to Wash

我们意识到成功洗碗的第一步可能是最难的一步. 在一顿丰盛的美餐之后,沙发可能比以往任何时候都更能呼唤你的名字. 但如果你想让你的洗碗手艺得到地球母亲的认可,重要的是不要等太久.

想知道为什么? 这很简单——你刚刚享用的美味食物的剩菜剩菜会开始变干, 离开一个易怒的, hardened residue behind. 这意味着你要用更多的水来把盘子洗得干干净净,你可能要使劲擦洗,才能把烹饪锅和餐具上的食物残渣洗掉. 通过快速工作,你将能够保存这个宝贵的资源,并享受闪闪发光的盘子.

Step 2: Assemble Your Eco-Conscious 洗碗 Supplies

你需要准备一些用品,以便洗碗顺利进行. Here are a few things to have on hand before you start:

  • An plant-powered 肥皂 – Your liquid 肥皂 comes in contact with your plates, 你的皮肤, 还有环境, so why 不 choose one that’s good for all three? ECOS洗洁精 uses a readily biodegradable formula that won’t harm water systems. It’s also hypoallergenic and pH balanced, so it won’t dry out 你的皮肤.
  • 一种擦洗工具 – Instead of disposable plastic sponges and scrubbers, look for eco-conscious options made from natural, 植物性, and biodegradable materials. A compostable or plant-derived dish sponge is a great alternative.
  • Two dishwashing tubs for washing and rinsing -这些可以帮助你在洗涤过程中节省时间和流水. If you have a double-sided sink, this supply is optional. 然而,手头有一个额外的浴缸可以让你保持一边的水槽开着.
  • 晾衣架 -晾衣架可以防止你的盘子在清洗和烘干之间在柜台上滑动. It can also come in handy if you simply don’t have time to dry by hand.
  • 几条毛巾 -洗完衣服后,你需要一两条干净的毛巾擦干和擦亮你的盘子. We suggest reusable dish cloths rather than paper towels. 它们不仅会吸收更多的水分,而且在这个过程中你还能省下几棵树.

Step 3: Fill Your Tubs of Water

一旦你组装好了你的用品,把你的两个浴缸(或双面水槽)装满热水. In one tub, include a small squeeze of your 肥皂. The other should only include clean water. 

我们的 goal is to use those two tubs as our washing and rinsing water, rather than continuously running our plates under a sink. 的原因? Keeping that faucet on uses up a lot of H2O. According to the United States Geological Survey, washing dishes by hand can use 9–27 gallons of water every time1. 使用浴缸可以让你进一步扩大你的水供应,并可能节省加仑.

Step 4: Scrape Your Plates

你知道你是怎么用勺子把浴缸里的冰淇淋都舀出来的? The same energy applies here.

Before you dunk your plates in the water, 刮掉任何残留的食物和酱料,扔进垃圾桶或堆肥箱. This scraping will make your dishes easier to wash, 但它们也会帮助你保持洗涤和漂洗的水尽可能干净.

我们要强调的是,在你的垃圾桶或堆肥箱上刮,而不是在水槽上刮,是至关重要的一步. Even if you have a garbage disposal, it’s a good idea to keep the majority of food waste out of your sink. 的原因? According to 《十大彩票网赌平台》, 某些食物不仅会堵塞排水管,还会导致你的供水系统堵塞.2

Step 5: Soak the Hard-to-Remove Residue

If any foods have dried faster than you can get to them, don’t worry. We can work this into our dishwashing strategy just as easily. 

尽可能多地刮干净之后,先把难以清洁的盘子滑进肥皂水的浴缸里. We’ll wait to work on these until all the others are clean, allowing time for the soap and water to soften the tough stuff.

A tip to make the process even more efficient: 如果你用烹饪锅或深锅做饭,这可以作为一个额外的浴缸. Simply fill it with a dab of soap and warm water, and pop in any smaller dishes and utensils that need some extra TLC.

Step 6: Wash and Rinse Your Dishes

At last, it’s time to begin washing. Remember that tub of soapy water you filled up earlier? Now is its time to shine. Here’s how it works:

  1. Place your dishes into the tub of soapy water.
  2. 使用你的洗涤器或洗碗海绵,一次一个地擦拭每件物品.
  3. 再次将食物浸入肥皂水中,去除任何残留的食物残渣.
  4. Once only suds remain, dip the dish in your tub of clean water to rinse.
  5. Finally, set the clean dishes to the side or in your drying rack.

如果你有一大堆盘子要洗,你可能需要分几轮来完成这个过程. 我们的小费? Start with the least dirty dishes before you move on to the rest. 使用这个顺序可以帮助你防止洗衣盆很快变脏. 

The foods and drinks you used with those dishes might affect your order, but here’s a helpful guide to keep in mind—from cleanest to dirtiest:

  1. Glasses, cups, and silverware
  2. 盘子和碗
  3. Pots, pans, and cooking utensils
  4. Any dishes you’ve soaked

Step 7: Dry Your Dishes

有时候,当盘子放在晾衣架上时,你很容易觉得你已经做完了. But taking an extra minute to towel-dry your dishes has a few benefits:

  • You can put them a道路 immediately, clearing up counter space.
  • It helps you avoid water spots, especially on glass and metal dishes.
  • 你可以擦掉任何残留的残渣,使你的盘子浑浊.

If you’d rather let the dishes drip dry on a dish rack, feel free. But to achieve that extra sparkling shine, your best bet is to dry them with a soft, 吸水洗碗巾.

What about wine glasses or other clear-glass dishes? 用手擦干比较困难,但有一个简单的方法:用两条毛巾. 第一块毛巾是你的“湿毛巾”,你要用它来去除任何水滴和水分. The second is your “dry towel.用这个轻轻擦亮玻璃器皿(花点时间欣赏一下闪闪发光的效果).

Tips to Ensure Your 洗碗 Is Good for Your Plates and the Planet

Once your dishes are glittering clean, 剩下要做的就是把那些浴缸倒掉,然后把水槽快速擦拭一下. 但是你怎么保证你送进下水道的东西不会造成任何损害呢?

事实上, 一些用来提高清洁能力的十大彩票网赌平台最终可能会损害我们星球上宝贵的生态系统. 一些聪明的策略和一些环保十大彩票网赌平台可以帮助你拯救地球和你的皮肤.

Here are a few tips to keep your dishwashing eco-conscious: 

  • Use 肥皂 without toxins or harmful ingredients. Chemicals like phosphates, 合成聚合物, and ethanolamines can negatively affect our health and our planet. Opt instead for a 肥皂 made from plant-derived ingredients like ECOS洗洁精.
  • Use biodegradable sponges or scrubbers. 当我们使用完塑料时,塑料微粒最终会流入下水道,堆积在垃圾填埋场.
  • Don’t leave the water running. This one’s worth repeating, 因为这是减少洗碗浪费的主要方法之一. 使用浴缸清洗和漂洗可以帮助你每天节省加仑.3

Whether you’re hand washing your dishes or using a dishwasher, simple changes can make a great impact on the environment. 理解 the water usage of a dishwasher vs hand washing is a great first step in cleaning in a more 可持续发展的 道路. 

Asian baby boy learn to washing dish with his mother in kitchen.

我们的 kitchen successes can bring a whole lot of delight, 在ECOS, we believe dishwashing should feel the same 道路.  仅仅学习如何洗碗就能让你的餐后日常生活轻松很多. 但知道在哪里可以找到利大于弊的十大彩票网赌平台可能是一个挑战.

That’s where ECOS can help. 我们的 plant-powered 肥皂 is gentle on the skin and kind to Mother Nature. 它也是在气候积极设施中使用100%可再生能源制造的,所以你可以开始洗涤,知道我们在各个方面都是“清洁”的.


1 United States Geological Survey. Per capita water use: How much water do you use at home?
2 《十大彩票网赌平台》. 你可以吃的食物 & Can’t Put Down a Garbage Disposal.
3 United States Geological Survey. Per capita water use: How much water do you use at home? 


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